Interviews and profiles

“Does it resonate?” How marketers use experience tests to increase loyalty and reduce costs

Five UserTesting marketers share how they use experience tests to grow revenue and increase customer affinity by stopping bad experiences before they happen

How to create synergy between product research and product management

UserTesting reorganized experience research to bring it closer to product management. A PM and a researcher who were in the middle of that change describe how it was done, challenges along the way, how it has improved their work, and lessons for companies that want to do the same.

How UserTesting brought together product design and experience research

To create an insight-driven culture in product you need a clear vision and persistence. UserTesting’s heads of design and product research discuss how they drove that transformation, including scaling research to non-researchers

How to “Democratize” Experience Research in an Established Auto Maker

Put the research “on rails,” make your insights snackable, and be sure test plans are  specific and grounded in outcomes

Keep Your Eyes on the People: How to be Certain You Have the Right Audience for Your Studies

Most researchers focus on their test plans, but the most common cause of study failure is poor audience definition and bad screeners. It’s surprisingly easy to get it wrong; here’s how to avoid that.

How to Start and Manage a Design Ops Team

A design ops veteran shares her journey, from her path into design ops to building out the team and setting its priorities

Ten Modern Enemies of UX: A Conversation with Lee Duddell

A user research veteran reviews the field’s biggest challenges from 2017, how they have changed since then, and what’s on top of the enemies list today

How to Prevent Product Waste

Half of product development projects are wasted, according to a prominent product guru. Rich Mironov explains how to stop throwing away time and money.