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How to create synergy between product research and product management

UserTesting reorganized experience research to bring it closer to product management. A PM and a researcher who were in the middle of that change describe how it was done, challenges along the way, how it has improved their work, and lessons for companies that want to do the same.

How UserTesting brought together product design and experience research

To create an insight-driven culture in product you need a clear vision and persistence. UserTesting’s heads of design and product research discuss how they drove that transformation, including scaling research to non-researchers

Do patients want AI to replace their doctors?

Not today. The use of AI in healthcare is intriguing, but most people aren’t yet ready to trust it. Data protection, proof of accuracy, and allowing human-driven alternatives can help drive acceptance

Research Operations Done Right

It's not just participant recruiting. When done right, research ops creates structure and discipline that helps UX researchers shine.